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Curated by Tania Tovar Torres and Zhicheng Xu
Casbarian-Appel and Hines Family Galleries, William T. Cannady Hall, Rice School of Architecture

At the periphery of architecture’s conventional boundaries, a turn toward intersectionality has fostered vital connections between environmental, social, gender, and other-than-human justice in architectural practice. These intersections challenge established methodologies, reconfiguring how architecture is conceived and practiced—from material cultures and social histories to innovative techniques of site analysis and visual representation. This expanded framework shifts the focus from the final product to the processes that generate it. To understand these transformative explorations and their potential for replication, we must revisit the experimental groundwork that informs them.

The new exhibition (dis)assemblies frames the act of “dismantling” as a pedagogical approach to contemporary architectural discourse and practice. The exhibition invites viewers to engage with the meticulous process of disentangling—of breaking down and examining conditions, ideals, and methods that respond to today’s societal questions. Through material experimentation, alternative tools and techniques, and the disruption of entrenched institutional hierarchies, these projects envision new modes of architectural production.

Central to this exploration is a commitment to inclusivity, diversity, transparency, and accountability. The act of undoing provides an opportunity to reconsider entrenched assumptions, creating space for reimagined ways of making. Rather than prescribe a singular model, this collection of essays and works reflects upon the fragmented and layered contexts within which architecture operates, offering new possibilities for reassembly and experimentation. Together, these pieces expand how architecture can be practiced, taught, and understood in the present moment.

The projects featured in (dis)assemblies were developed during the 2023–24 Watkin Sequence led by Tania Tovar Torres and Zhicheng Xu at the Rice School of Architecture.

Tania Tovar Torres and Zhicheng Xu

Students (Class of 2024)
Valeria Aguirre, Grace Andrews, Harper Bo, Joshua Chiang, John Curylo, Valerie Elizondo, Ekene Emenike, Tammy Feng, Anne He, Rafe Hessekiel, Zichuen Huang, Madeline Ju, Lily Li, Neha Nayar, Kexuan Shang, Than Van Phan, Amber Wang, Tiffany Wu, Wendy Yao, Liufei Zhu

Curatorial Team
Ricardo Betacourt Buelna, Yousif Giyo, Aaryn Ijames, Mayela Pérez Dimas, Camila Ulloa Vasquez

Exhibition Design

Graphic Identity
Estudio P


Exhibitions at Rice

As a curatorial program of the Rice School of Architecture, Exhibitions at Rice uses the lens of design research to look at the world differently. Mobilizing a full spectrum of architectural representation—including drawing, imaging, making, and prototyping—this program weaves together scholarly inquiry, visual experimentation, and public engagement. Across all scales, from objects to buildings, cities, and the planet, Exhibitions at Rice engages the discipline of architecture as a cultural practice with a civic mandate, creating new discourses for both local and global audiences.

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