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There may well be a Paris, Texas, but Paris, France is nothing like Houston. Founded in 2002 and located near la Bastille, Rice Architecture Paris provides advanced B.Arch. and M.Arch. students with a semester-long complement to Rice Architecture Houston.

Paris sits astride the possibilities of the 21st century, as globalization stretches its urban fabric in ways that Baron Haussmann and Napoleon III never could have imagined. Drawing on faculty from leading European schools and offices, Rice Architecture Paris nimbly takes advantage of the extraordinary offerings of this city, as well as its position as a global cultural nexus.

Selection for both semesters is made by application during the spring semester of the prior year. The 16-credit course of study includes studio, history, theory, technology, French culture and language. Paris’s central geographic location provides opportunities for multiple study trips throughout France and Europe.

In the fall semester Rice Paris students take Rice Architecture’s Totalization curriculum, coordinating with Houston faculty and engaging local technical consultants. In the spring term, graduate students enroll in the required pre-thesis seminar, using advanced video conference media to participate in real time with their Houston counterparts.

Assistant Director Jacob Simpson is responsible for the day-to-day management of Rice Architecture Paris, the entire program is overseen by Professor John Casbarian, director of external programs.


The Rice Architecture Paris facility only accommodates the teaching functions of the program, with housing secured for the students through an apartment rental agency and coordinated by the program. Located in the 12th arrondissement near the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, noted for its design boutiques and galleries, it is close to the Bastille Opera, Gare de Lyon, and Place des Vosges. In addition to the academic programs the 1,500 square foot space can accommodate public exhibitions, colloquia, and lectures. The well-equipped facility provides students with all the necessary tools to produce work of the highest caliber. 

19 rue Crozatier, 75012 Paris, France

Telephone/Fax: +33-1-53-17-04-61

Paris Campus

Students working in a studio

Applicants who are not Rice Architecture students

Paris is also open to a very limited number of outstanding students in other accredited architecture programs. Eligible students must have completed 4 years of a Bachelor of Architecture program, with at least 8 semesters of design studio, or 2 years of a beginning Master of Architecture Program with a minimum of 4 semesters of design studio. Admitted students are enrolled at Rice University in Houston as Visiting Students and pay normal tuition fees. The link to the PDF below includes application instructions, an application form, and a recommendation form. Please return the completed materials to the school by October 31 for the spring semester or March 1, for either semester of the following academic year.

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Totalization: Inhabiting Infrastructure
Arch. 620, Yutian He and Isabella Marcotulli
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