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The Architecture of the Accident
RSA Spring Lecture Series: Modern
Farish Gallery, Anderson Hall

Laurent Stalder studied architecture at ETH Zurich, after which he had a fellowship with the Swiss Institute for Archaeology and Architectural Research in Cairo, and then served as an assistant at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture of the ETH, where he obtained his doctorate. The main focus of Laurent Stalder’s research and publications is the history and theory of architecture from the 19th to the 21st centuries, where it intersects with the history of technology. His articles have been published in various journals and his most recent books include Hermann Muthesius: Das Landhaus als kulturgeschichtlicher Entwurf (2008), Valerio Olgiati (2008), Der Schwellenatlas (2009), and God & Co. François Dallegret: Beyond the Bubble (2011).

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