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T TH 1:00 - 2:30pm 
WCH 275 

Fabrication is both a device and process that spans different methodologies, types of making, and, above all, modes of thinking and meaning. Ultimately, it is a form of architectural research that results in the production of objects that, taken together, suggest a whole new world of ideas. Building upon this complexity, this course will focus on developing competencies in design-to-fabrication workflows, multi-material assemblies, and advanced manufacturing techniques. Students will work with a variety of tools in the fabrication lab, utilizing laser cutting, 3D printing, and CNC routing to explore and iterate through the design and fabrication of architectural hardware. Through a series of short exercises, students will research techniques for fabrication, culminating in a final project—a custom piece of architectural hardware that is reflective both of its use and the processes of its own making. 

The course will follow a lecture-lab format, where hands-on assignments are integrated with lectures, reading discussions, and machine demonstrations.

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