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T 10:00am-12:30pm, 217 Anderson Hall
Thesis at Rice is the culmination of the Master of Architecture curriculum and, as such, it is the moment when the student contributes to and advances the discipline. Students develop a clear and well-articulated project that asserts their interests with respect to the field and establishes a firm basis upon which they will navigate their early careers.
All students participate in Pre-Thesis Preparation: Design Research (ARCH 702) during their penultimate semester. The course provides an environment and structure in which the conceptual formulation, articulation, and critical evaluation of thesis proposals can take place. The aim is also to develop and rehearse a focused argument for one’s particular approach to the topic. The thesis design project tests this approach in a project, the underpinnings of which seek a synthesis of intellectual and design objectives. Thesis concludes with a public final review, where the project is evaluated both on its own terms and within the broader field of contemporary architectural discourse.
This course is required for, and limited to, M.Arch. students in their penultimate semester.
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