Anderson Hall, Room 212
In the design thesis studio, students work under the direction of a faculty member on a thesis design project that is a synthesis of intellectual and design objectives. There are six reviews during the thesis semester: four Interim Reviews, one Pass/Fail Review, and a Final Review. Interim Reviews provide an opportunity for the student to receive advice and feedback from Architecture faculty. For each Interim Review the student is expected to clarify, refine, and restore the thesis proposal, using the ongoing design work as a means to make ideas and future directions clear. The Pass/Fail Review is used to evaluate a thesis project’s overall progress and strength. It is also a preparatory review, in which the student and faculty jointly develop criteria for the final public defense. After a successful Pass/Fail Review, the thesis work is presented and defended before an invited group of outside critics. This public forum is a discussion of the ideas and implications of the thesis work in relation to the specific project, the broader field of contemporary architecture, and beyond (see also Arch 729 and 730).

Evio Isaac