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AIA Houston
2024–2025 Public Program, Fall Edition
Architecture Center Houston, 902 Commerce St, Houston, TX 77002

Houston Reimagined: Dismantling Inequity through the Power of Design is a visionary design charrette that invites students to reimagine Houston’s neighborhoods as if key discriminatory policies had never existed. This event is a collaborative effort to explore how transportation, housing, and environmental justice policies have shaped some of Houston’s most iconic communities, including Third Ward, Second Ward, and Kashmere Gardens.

Participants and teams will be challenged to envision alternative urban futures where equity, inclusivity, and sustainability are at the forefront. Through guided design prompts, attendees will focus on creating major urban features and micro-design elements that reflect a more just and unified city. The charrette aims to inspire innovative solutions that address historical injustices and propose new ways to build a more connected and equitable Houston for all its residents.
Join us in this dynamic and interactive workshop to contribute your ideas and creativity toward reshaping the future of Houston's urban landscape.

Design Charrette Guidelines:

  • Participation is not limited to pre-formed groups. Individuals wishing to participate will be grouped with attending participants.
  • Pre-formed teams can be made up 3-6 individuals.
  • Sketch pads, markers, pens and pencils, scales and jump drives will be provided to teams for their use.
  • Participants are encouraged to bring laptops, chargers, a camera-capable digital device, jump drive or preferred media to develop designs.
  • Teams should use their allocated time efficiently. On charrette day, teams will have from 10am to 5pm to brainstorm and package their final designs to be uploaded to Submittable and reviewed by a panel of judges.
  • Charrette background information will be sent on Thursday, September 12.
  • Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Designs are to be presented digitally through Submittalbe. A reception announcing the judge’s results and commentary will be held at Architecture Center Houston. Design teams should plan to attend.

All designs will be included in the upcoming exhibition Unequal Inequities on view October 2, 2024 -January 17, 2025

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