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Assistant Professor Brittany Utting has been awarded a MacDowell Fellowship in the architecture category. MacDowell provides awardees with space and funding to pursue creative endeavors, and Utting will assume this residency in the spring of 2024. With the fellowship she will pursue an ongoing research project titled “Deep Geologies,” which investigates the interrelationship of resource extraction and the built environment. 


“Assistant Professor Brittany Utting’s timely work on the interdependence of architecture, energy, and capital aims to address some of the most pressing issues of our planet, and it does so with an unflagging belief in design and craft—values we share with MacDowell,” said Igor Marjanović, the William Ward Watkin Dean of Rice Architecture. 


Utting’s project positions geology as a critical framework for design thinking, relating architecture to a complex infrastructure of capital, energy, and material. Through writing and drawings, she will speculate on emerging spatial practices of environmental research and terrestrial care.  


Read more about the award announcement here. 


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