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Carla Haskins

Assistant Professor Juan José Castellón’s "Building Ecologies: Collective Urban Infrastructures in Houston" exhibit | TEDxHouston COUNTDOWN Sustainability Day Event at POST Houston | Saturday, October 29th.

Professor Juan Jose Castellon Gonzalez will open his award-winning exhibit for a ‘circular’ rooftop infrastructure at the POST Houston as part of the TEDxHouston Countdown event featuring talks on sustainability and solutions to our climate crisis.  The project is a largely collaborative effort with several schools and arms of Rice University, sponsors and contributors. You’ll hear from leading thinkers and doers about what a healthy, abundant, zero-emission future can look like; stirring examples of real progress underway, and powerful reasons why this post-crisis moment is the time to act. This will serve as an inspiration and a call to action to leaders — and to people everywhere —to step up and participate in building a better future. The day culminates in an after-party in POST X’s Atrium. The exhibit will be open through March 31, 2023. 

See the schedule and details at POST.

Register for the TED event at  TEDxHouston.

To read in greater detail about this project, click here.

Project images by Frau Recerques Visuals.
Headshot image: Tom Flaherty
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