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Rice at Large

Rice Architecture Summer Immersion program, in collaboration with the Rice Office of STEM Engagement (R-STEM), offers Houston-based 10th- and 11th-grade students hands-on experience in the principles of architecture and design. In formatted workshops, students test design concepts through several media and exercises in two and three dimensions. Students experiment with model making, freehand drawing, and other forms of creative production in both group and individual settings while building a network of peers.

The goal is to explore architectural space at a range of scales and to produce creative works that participants can integrate into a design portfolio, a necessary component in the college application process for architecture programs. Participants have the opportunity to interact with Rice University faculty and current students, as well as practicing architects, to learn more about the field of architecture.Students are also introduced to the experience of college life by staying in a residential dorm at Rice for the duration of the camp. This opportunity is tuition-free, including room and board, thanks to generous donors and supporters.

Read the full profile in Rice at Large's summer issue here.

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