Antoine Picon is a senior visiting lecturer at Rice Architecture Paris. He also is the G. Ware Travelstead Professor of the History of Architecture and Technology at Harvard University. His academic interests center on the history of architectural and urban technologies from the eighteenth century to the present.
His most recent publication projects are focused on the changes to the architectural discipline in both theory and practice as initiated by digital culture. Picon is a prolific author and his most recent publications include Digital Culture in Architecture: An Introduction for the Design Profession (2010); Ornament: The Politics of Architecture and Subjectivity (2013); Smart Cities: Théorie et Critique d’un Idéal Auto-réalisateur (2013); and Smart Cities: A Spatialised Intelligence (2015).
Picon has received a number of rewards for his writings such as the Médaille de la Ville de Paris, the Grand Prix du Livre d’Architecture de la Ville de Briey, and the George Sarton Medal. In 2010, he was elected to the French Académie des Technologies, and he is a part of the Ordre des Artes et des Lettres.