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Grids, Frames, Pixels, Voxels, Sphixels, Dots, And Dashes
Through the use and manipulation of pixels, voxels, sphixels, dots, and dashes, (among other things uncovered during the semester) this studio works on the problematics of the same and the different with respect to architectural forms, and probably to the same extent, programs as well. The methodology deployed in this studio requires students to work with a focused set of ambitions and techniques that are bound to studio constraints while supporting individual innovations. 
This site on the Wilshire corridor in Westwood is considered to be UCLA’s “landbank”. It is projected as a high density TOD mixed use-project primarily focusing on housing and university/community support programs. In addition to developing their own projects the studio will collectively design a street / circulation system for the site, supporting the development of each parcel.
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