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The winning entry to the City of Houston’s HOU|ADU competition was Double-House, an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) designed by students Siobhan Finlay and Adam Berman as part of Construct’s Economy research. Schematic design for this project was completed the semester prior as part of ARCH 601 Totalization: Economy and was selected by public vote as the winning entry to the City of Houston’s ADU/HOU Design Competition. This semester, students advanced the project toward realization with a set of construction drawings and a physical model. Working with the City, we developed a preapproved set of drawings that the Houston Planning and Development Department will make freely and publicly available. This preapproved set of drawings will ease construction and reduce development costs to anyone interested in building their own Double-House. 

We worked to further the project’s design, developing the building’s construction systems and material details, and documented everything necessary for a complete plan review by City Planning. Along the way, students honed their drawing and modeling skills, improved their knowledge of building systems, construction details, and the building code while working collaboratively with each other, the course instructors, and outside consultants.

Project Designers: Siobhan Finlay and Adam Berman

Seminar: Andrew Jiao, Taylor Li, Violet Li, Peihan Liu, Shimin Liu, Benson Xie, Rita Xiong, Kelly Yu

Faculty & Consultants: Andrew Colopy and Danny Samuels, Construct Codirectors; Pat Arnett and Takuma Yonebayashi of Robert Silman Associates (structure)


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